The Board is the group responsible for the management of the association and has the following main responsibilities:
- Elaborate the activities plan for each year throughout the mandate;
- Prepare the annual report regarding the management of the Association and the annual accounts for that year;
- Prepare the annual Activities Plan and Budget and submit them to the General Assembly;
- Prepare internal regulations and submit them to the General Assembly;
- Execute the deliberations from the General Assembly;
- Approve the agreement of any nature between the Association and third parties;
- Decide about the creation, extinction and operation of commissions for the development of any temporary specific activity;
- Present to the General Assembly the amount to be assign to the annual quotas as well as to the admission fee;
- Create branches and other research and development units, according to articles number 2 and 3;
- Present to the General Assembly the admission of new members, or their exclusion;
- Request to the President of the General Assembly Board to convene the General Meeting;
Currently, the ICA Board is composed by the following members: